Emi Scliar, Founder and Manager of BSuccess
with four decades of experience in the areas of Human Resources and Career Consulting
In the field of Human Resources, I have accumulated extensive experience in establishing and managing HR departments in different organizational life stages, from start-ups (Finjan Software, Fiberzone Networks) through medium-sized companies (Tdsoft Software, Radlan Communication) to large international public companies (Marvell Semiconductors).
Since 2008, parallel to holding the position of VP of Human Resources and recently as the Head of Career Transitions at "Gisha Shona", I provided a variety of Human Resource consulting services to numerous organizations, helped them to create HR infrastructures including recruitment of employees, in-house organizational consulting, managing employee-management relations, issues of corporate identity, employee evaluations and more. In organizations where there is an HR function in place, I advised, consulted to and coached their HR professionals. In addition, I accompanied boards of directors in the recruitment process to select CEO's.
My professional vision of the HR profession is that professionals play a critical role and must be able to combine the interests of the organization as well as that of their employees. HR leaders must adhere to the business needs of the organization while understanding employees' needs so they can harness their energies and talent to achieve these goals. The profession requires a combination of humanity and fairness along with business and marketing vision. I have seen organizations rise and fall based on the quality of their hiring and their management of human resources, and I believe that with my experience and world view, I can bring great benefit to any organization through direct consulting and guidance or by mentoring the HR staff.
In the field of Career Transitions
My MA thesis in the Department of Sociology and Labor Studies dealt with "Career Transitions as a Situation of Pressure". Early in my career, I worked for many years at Machon Mifne, which specialized in the subject of career transitions and for two decades I managed HR departments and met with many employees in various career stages. prior to BSuccess I served as the Head of the Career Transition Department at "Gisha Shona" and as a board member of Ovdim (nonprofit organization in the fields of employee and careers). Thus, the subject of career transitions represents to me the closing of a full circle.
Today, in addition to managing and accompanying people as part of "Bsuccess Ltd", Emi also leads many workshops in the field and has developed and teaches "Practical Career Counseling" courses for career counselors, trainers and human resources personnel.
My world view about career transitions consulting is based on the assumption that each person is unique and that people experience transitions differently. Thus, one has to enhance the process with a variety of topics and services, to get acquainted with the employee and adapt the process to each person according to his needs and the situation involved. The numerous and updated models we use in the field of counseling employees who need or choose to leave their company or who are retiring, have generated very high levels of satisfaction, and no less important is their relatively high ability to reintegrate into the work force.